Tuesday, February 15, 2005


A California school district may be taken to court after a group of high school teachers began blatantly promoting homosexuality in their classrooms. Recently a group of lesbian teachers in the Scotts Valley Unified School District (Santa Cruz County) started hanging pro-homosexual posters in their classrooms, discussing homosexuality in their classrooms, and providing referrals to homosexual and bisexual organizations to students questioning their sexuality. Numerous parents have complained to school officials, who said they would investigate matters. However, no administrative correction has been initiated in response to the complaints.

Brad Dacus, president of the Pacific Justice Institute, says the teachers are engaged in a campaign of homosexual indoctrination, and are using anti-harassment laws as a soapbox for state-sponsored endorsement of their lifestyle. And they seem to be getting the support to do so, not only from the district, but from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and area homosexual organizations as well. "We know it's a very liberal community," Dacus notes, "a very hostile, intolerant community for the rights of parents, and intolerant towards those people of faith who do not openly accept and embrace homosexuality and other forms of deviant lifestyles." Although he says PJI is not really expecting the Santa Cruz County school officials to implement changes, he says his legal group is "hoping they'll take it under serious consideration."

The PJI attorney feels the school district is being hypocritical since, even as the teachers are engaging in their pro-homosexual conduct under the guise of tolerance, posters celebrating traditional families are not allowed. However, he points out that complaints from outraged parents have had virtually no effect on the school administrators. The officials have even ignored requests from district parents that the pro-homosexual posters be taken out of the classrooms and pinned instead on public bulletin boards where a student would have the option of reading or ignoring them, or that they be placed alongside posters showing competing viewpoints.

A number of the dissenting parents have argued that the students are a captive audience being forced to confront high-pressure influence from militantly pro-homosexual teachers who stand in a position of authority over them, as well as from aggressive homosexual students. According to PJI's sources, a student who is not interested in joining a "diversity club" at school is sometimes subjected to obscene gestures and other forms of harassment from homosexual peers.....

PJI sent an attorney to address the trustees of the Scotts Valley School Board at a meeting held last Monday, which focused exclusively on the poster controversy. At the heart of the discussion was a complaint filed more than two years ago by a district parent regarding the display of the pro-homosexual posters in district classrooms. The Santa Cruz Sentinel reports that more than 400 people attended the February 7 school board meeting, which went on until almost 11 p.m.

The Scotts Valley School Board took no action, but board president Sue Roth and Superintendent Stephen Fiss planned to meet again to discuss the issue further. Roth was quoted in the Sentinel as saying she is not sure anything needs to be done, but she would hope the parent who filed the initial complaint will not pursue a lawsuit.

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In many areas of the country, schools are funded by property taxes that often are as much each year as the sale price of the house 25 or 30 years ago. Have the schools improved over that time? No, they have not. More children are enrolled and "completing" their public school years, but to what end?

Colleges used to be affordable, for just about anyone. Now, tuition costs are exorbitant and many local community colleges will take anyone who walks in the front door. Instead of taking the courses taught as basics years ago, many of these students are taking in their first year of college what I took in 9th grade 50 years ago! This isn't progress. This is criminal abuse of children!

As the internet becomes more and more advanced, with more and more information available online, schools are turning to the computer and the internet - but forgetting that just because you can turn on the machine does not mean you can use it to its best advantage! Without a basic background in English grammar, the ability to spell correctly, and the knowledge of how to use the English language, hours using a computer are not going to be very educational!

Regardless of what a lot of politicians would like you to think, the Constitution does not specify any "right to education." It wasn't mentioned in the Bill of Rights, because education was part of bringing up a child, not a function of government! Children were either taught at home, by parents or tutors, or sent to small private schools paid for by the parents.

We can probably thank Karl Marx for our public school system - which was historically established to train workers for the Industrial Revolution, not to educate inventors, scientists or great thinkers! The airplane was not invented by an aeronautical engineer; it was invented by 2 bicycle mechanics. The telephone came out of an experiment to make a hearing aid. It took hundreds of failed attempts for a 3rd grade drop out to invent the light bulb, among hundreds of other useful things that he invented and perfected. Did taxes pay for the education of these and others like them? No! .....

Children in schools who ask questions and question authority are considered trouble makers. Often, they are the brilliant ones who, given the opportunity, will someday invent, create, or improve something important. Children who ask "why" need to learn how to find the answers, not be told "because I said so" or "it's what the books says." They do not need to be punished for being able to think!

And so we come to the future! More and more parents are pulling their children out of public schools to teach them at home. This trend is most likely going to accelerate, as the cost of transportation and personnel in school districts continues to rise. Communities are soon going to find that education, done the "conventional way," is no longer worth the cost involved.....

Computers used to be expensive. Now, one can buy a good used computer system, internet ready and able to do anything a student would need, for under $300. Children need very little instruction on using computers if they can read, spell and type! Typing programs are usually games and are fun for them to use. With Google planning to scan in searchable books by the thousands, anyone with a computer would have access to an awesome library system. As it is now, many libraries have information online.

In the next few decades, if we wish to continue to prosper in this nation, we need to allow our children to learn and not try to "educate" them! This is the 21st century. Classical education is much more valuable now than is vocational education, for things change so rapidly that one needs to be educated in order to survive, not merely "trained"! Lifetime learning is vitally important to progress and to maintaining a viable civilization.

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Some observations from Australia of 30 years ago that still seem relevant. Excerpt:

Of course, the rich brats flirt with Marx (as they have since the 'twenties). Especially his early work ["Grundrisse"], which Marx himself rejected, because it doesn't involve nasty difficult things like economics. They talk a lot about 'The Workers' and 'The People' and 'The Masses'. Mostly they've never worked in their lives, except for a summer vacation job at DJ's [Department Store], and they despise any beer-swilling, football-following unintellectual Alfs they actually meet. ('Alf is their word, popularised by those naughty but oh so witty boys from Oz). You can see their total inability to communicate with ordinary Australians when they try to talk with ordinary Australians who happen to be black at Abschol demonstrations. They despise the worker's ambition for a better home for his family from its sand-blasted glass front door to its wall-to-wall carpets, his pride and joy in his car, his harmless entertainment watching teev or sport. They have no conception of his heroism in the drudgery of his daily life, his courage in the face of difficulties they never face, his devotion to his family, his ill-expressed but often profound wisdom about men and affairs, his quick nose for the slightest hint of a phoney (their blindness to this last hardly surprises). They sneer at his son battling his way through engineering and playing Rugby [football] on Saturdays. Perhaps the workers are not very admirable in many ways, but it is odd that those who profess to champion them should emphasise their deficiencies so much. (This characteristic of student radicals to rubbish the working classes refutes the otherwise plausible explanation of a University as an institution to care for those unable to reconcile conflicting beliefs -'cognitive dissonance' as it is called. Students are as good at it as anyone.)

The nearest we've seen to the Student-Worker Alliance was a lady graduate student who shacked up with a wharfie [longshoreman]. Naturally, for it wouldn't do to flout the really fundamental social norms, he was an exceptional wharfie, with an honours degree in Arts. (The reaction of students to the relationship, before they found out that last significant fact, was very revealing.) Naturally too, he was not a success in his unusual vocation, and was chucked off the wharves.

Lots of the rich kiddies play prols, of course, and move out to the slums in a brave gesture of independence. They disturb the sleeping locals with expensive stereograms and send their washing home to Mummy. But when the shit hits the fan it's marriage and a steady job and a home in a good suburb. The number of self-styled radicals, student editors and so on who have already started buying a Nice Home is extraordinary; although some are sufficiently snobbish (or awake to a good investment) to put their money down in some newly-fashionable area like Balmain. Of course it's rude to point out such inconsistencies, or compare their sound investment with the bourgeois life-style they reject or the proletarian aspirations they despise. But it helps to clear up their views on private property; where your treasure is, there shall your heart be also.

In fact, of course, they are bourgeois to the core. Their drug market works on straight free enterprise principles, and they're all in it for the money. They outdo each other with clothes, records, the whole, fashionable status symbol scene in a way embarrassing to a pleb who merely likes his new car. Beads do not a rebel make, nor tie-dyed clothes a rad. Look at the litter they leave and see what they think of pollution. Watch how they treat their birds and see what they think of Women's Lib. Watch how they treat each other and see what sort of society they believe in.

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For greatest efficiency, lowest cost and maximum choice, ALL schools should be privately owned and run -- with government-paid vouchers for the poor and minimal regulation.

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