Friday, December 24, 2021

Woke Mob Comes for Professor Who Opposes Left-Wing Social Values

If you don’t agree with the politically correct narrative, you must be destroyed.

That’s the attitude elite Western institutions increasingly take with anyone who disagrees with the ever-moving and increasingly radical cultural left. If you have the gall to still be operating within those institutions, you are treated with an even higher level of hate.

Boise State University professor Scott Yenor is witnessing this firsthand.

Yenor, a tenured professor of political science, stirred up an angry hive of discontent for a speech he made at a National Conservatism conference in late October.

In the speech, he denounced the feminist ideology that treats boys and girls as if they are not only the same, but should want and value the same things as each other. He said that the modern feminist ethos of “careerism” without connection to family and religion leaves them finding meaning in politics and what he called the “global project.”

He also said that our culture now devalues and expects little out of men.

These comments spurred countless media articles, denunciations, and protests on the Boise State campus.

The attacks came with little actual engagement with Yenor’s view. We are simply to assume that he’s wrong and that his words and ideas are unacceptable.

This isn’t the first time Yenor has provoked a cancel mob at Boise State.

In 2017, Yenor wrote an article for The Daily Signal in which he wrote that transgender activists are undermining parental rights and traditional family values.

Yenor wrote at the time:

Transgender rights activists are seeking to abridge parental rights by elevating the independent choices of young children. Respecting the sexual and gender “choices” of ever-younger children erodes parental rights and compromises the integrity of the family as an independent unit.

The reaction to Yenor’s comments then was also extreme, to say the least. Students, staff members, and outside activists sprung into action to get him fired, typically calling his words “hate speech.”

You can read his article here and decide for yourself if this constitutes hate speech.

Activists immediately launched a petition to get Yenor fired.

Boise State’s Vice President for Equity Initiatives Francisco Salinas went on a crusade against Yenor, tying his work to Nazism. As usual, it’s the diversity, equity, and inclusion administrators who act as the woke inquisitors on college campuses—reinforcing dogma and intimidating dissenters into silence.

Yenor didn’t back down. In an interview with The Daily Signal, Yenor explained that it was disappointing to see just how little the vehement denunciations addressed his arguments.

“It strikes me that there has really been, first of all, no effort to first understand what I’m arguing, and second of all, to get anywhere beyond name-calling and labeling,” Yenor said.

Instead of debate, Yenor said that the response felt like little more than a “mob.” The worst thing of all was not just that they were trying to get him fired, it was that their actions created a deep chill on speech.

Boise State didn’t fire Yenor. Instead, the dean offered a statement on Facebook, filled with woke buzzwords, saying that while the school supported free speech and debate, Yenor’s views weren’t really welcome on campus.

The latest round of outrage at Yenor only shows how much further the cultural revolution has proceeded in our elite institutions in just a few years.

Again, there has been little real engagement with Yenor’s ideas. Instead, he’s simply been subjected to rounds of ritual denunciations based on the assumption that his opinions must be untrue and that they were meant as an attack on women.

The attacks have been vicious and personal. Yenor released audio recordings of voicemails he received after the flurry of left-wing media stories came out. The messages were hateful, called for violence, and were in some cases completely deranged.

What’s happening to Yenor is how elite institutions—academia and establishment media—treat anyone who disagrees with prescribed cultural narratives. They now ruthlessly enforce specific social views to the exclusion of everything else.

Intellectual diversity is a threat to diversity. Inclusion requires the exclusion of dissenters. Equity is only given to those deemed worthy and without wrongthink.

The socially radical and increasingly stifling atmosphere of the modern college campus is growing and spreading to all areas of our society.

Those who do not shout their devotion to the revolution are to be treated without civility or humanity.

This is the ugly course our woke institutions are taking us. Genuine debate and civil disagreement are being replaced by enforced ideology and mob retribution toward dissenters.

This is the real threat to “democracy” and self-government in America. It’s the real threat to the land of liberty where free speech, meant to lead us to the truth, is replaced by speech codes and enforced groupthink


Perdue University President Stands Up to Red China after It Threatens a Pro-Democracy Student

As China increases its efforts to control the conversation in the West, using everything from radio stations to deals with Amazon to push its weight around overtly and everything from subterfuge to MSS (the CCP’s secret police) agents to push the party line covertly, standing up to the Reds is becoming more and more important.

Unfortunately, many Americans, especially on the left, either side with China or don’t recognize the stakes. Rather than standing up to the Red Dragon, they keep their opinions hidden or back down if they accidentally say the wrong thing.

Fortunately, however, a brave few are willing to stand up to the Chinese menace. One such brave soul is the president of Perdue University, Mitch Daniels, who stood up to China after it attempted to terrorize a pro-democracy student.

At Perdue, there is a brave student named Zhihao Kong who stood up to the CCP, boldly praising the bravery of the student protesters murdered during the Tiananmen Square protest.

Shortly afterward, the student’s family received a visit from MSS personnel and he was bullied and viciously slandered by other Chinese students at Perdue. He told ProPublica that he thought many of them were Chinese informants and spies.

Then, later, his family was again harassed by MSS after he was invited to speak on the Tiananmen Square protests.

In such a situation, many university presidents would have backed down and submitted to the CCP, which wields immense influence on many American campuses.

Mr. Daniels, however, didn’t. Instead of bending the knee to the CCP, he threatened the CCP spies on campus, saying:

“If those students who issued the threats can be identified, they will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action. Likewise, any student found to have reported another student to any foreign entity for exercising their freedom of speech or belief will be subject to significant sanction.”

He added that while all are welcome on Perdue’s campus, those who do attend must respect its values, especially freedom of inquiry and expression and that “Those seeking to deny those rights to others, let alone to collude with foreign governments in repressing them, will need to pursue their education elsewhere.”

Responding, Kong told Radio Free Asia that “President Daniels’ courage to safeguard freedom of speech is admirable.”


San Diego State University dean calls conservative agenda 'sexist, racist and a stench': Republican students slam her 'cancerous leftist ideology'

Leftist hate speech is OK

A dean at San Diego State University has described the 'Right's agenda' on Twitter as a 'stench' saying it consists of racism, unintelligence, and inequality.

'Just so we're clear on the Right's agenda: racism good, abortion bad, money good, women bad, capitalism good, sustainability bad, stupidity good, science bad, power good, equality bad, white people good, nonwhite people bad. Stench, indeed,' Dr. Monica Casper, SDSU's dean of the College of Arts and Letters, tweeted.

In other tweets, Dr. Casper wrote about the acquittal of Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse calling it a victory for 'white supremacy'. 'No mercy, no justice – white supremacy wins again,' she tweeted.

Earlier this month, she reacted to the opening arguments in the Supreme Court which is considering a Mississippi ban on abortions at 15 weeks; and could be used to reverse Roe Vs Wade.

She described the Supreme Court as consisting of: 'Two sexual predators, a white lady, and some racists walk.' She tweeted her observation adding the hashtag 'abortion is healthcare.'

Earlier this month, she reacted to the opening arguments in the Supreme Court which is considering a Mississippi abortion ban at 15 weeks; and could be used to reverse Roe V Wade
Earlier this month, she reacted to the opening arguments in the Supreme Court which is considering a Mississippi abortion ban at 15 weeks; and could be used to reverse Roe V Wade

The outspoken comments have Republicans attending San Diego State College up in arms describing her comments as 'hateful.'

'The tweets reflect the cancerous leftist ideology that has infected not just the average professor, but the upper leadership of our public universities,' Dylan Martin, a spokesperson for the California College Republicans, told CollegeFix, which first reported the tweets. 'This dishonest narrative harms students,' Martin added.

'This isn't isolated to Casper at SDSU, either; this way of thinking and this narrative is being driven by professors across the country every day.'

Casper's bio states she is 'deeply invested in the promise of sociology as a means to understand and change the world.'

Her faculty bio describes her as being focused on feminism, environmental studies, and infant mortality among other topics.

One of her specialties includes 'combating infant mortality in black communities.'

San Diego State has defended the comments made by its faculty member stating educational establishment supports her right to free speech.

'It is important to know that faculty speech is protected by both the First Amendment and academic freedom principles, which are advanced by the American Association of University Professors,' the school said in a statement.

'At SDSU, we encourage all members of our community, including our faculty, to engage in open discourse, as it is our responsibility as a public institution to uphold and protect free speech.

'We know that open dialogue may introduce conversations about topics that are uncomfortable for some.'

The school told Fox News that it did not want to violate the Constitutional rights of staff or stifle respectful debate noting how they will 'not censor professors for exercising their free speech and for sharing their perspectives and the expertise determined by their own research and scholarship' because it would violate their Constitutional rights and stifle respectful debate.

'We support the free expression of our faculty, students and staff and maintain an environment that is supportive of different perspectives and experiences,' the school said.




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