Wednesday, June 21, 2023

New York State’s Directive to Schools: Lie to Parents

Parents who send their kids to New York public schools have lots to worry about. Is he really learning? Is she really safe? And: Is the school gender-transitioning my child behind my back?

Earlier this week, the New York State Department of Education (NYSED) published a “legal update and best practice” document for how schools should serve “transgender and gender expansive” students. The key takeaway: if your child decides that he or she wants to socially transition to the opposite gender, it is now a “best practice” for the school to lie to you about it.

“Only the student,” the NYSED declares, “knows whether it is safe to share their identity with a caregiver.” The baseline assumption, then, is that “unaffirming” parents are dangerous to their children. If Kevin wants to go by “Kimi” but doesn’t want his parents to know, the best practice, according to NYSED, is as follows: “The teachers call her Kimi and use she/her pronouns at school. When calling home for any reason, teachers use the name Kevin and he/him pronouns.”

Leading experts like Hilary Cass, a medical doctor who documented rampant malpractice in England’s Tavistock child gender clinic, have explained that social transition is not a neutral act but rather an active psychosocial and arguably even medical intervention. Finnish medical authorities have discouraged gender self-identification for children, recognizing its potential to disrupt healthy development and result in unnecessary medicalization. While activists believe that transition is beneficial to mental health, a new study in the U.K. finds no improvement for socially transitioned kids relative to control groups. Evidence suggests that treating children as if they are the opposite sex can cause their feelings of gender dysphoria to persist and increase the likelihood that they will seek experimental hormonal intervention.

If the NYSED has its way, schools will also effectively market experimental hormonal interventions. Its new policy recommends that all schools, at a minimum, adhere to the guidelines of the National Sex Education Standards, which state that children should learn about puberty blockers by fifth grade. It may be doubted whether schools would provide the full medical picture concerning the use of puberty blockers, including the lack of evidence for their benefits, the serious long-term side effects, and the near-certain progression to cross-sex hormones that can cause permanent sexual dysfunction and sterility.

The National Sex Education Standards also recommend introducing children to the concept of “gender identity” starting in kindergarten. As a next step, NYSED recommends that staff actively solicit sexual and gender information by “ask[ing] students which terms they use and generally us[ing] the term the student uses to describe themselves.” (This includes terms such as “agender,” which “refers to a person who does not identify with or experience any gender, [and] is different from nonbinary because many nonbinary people do experience gender.”) In New York, schools now apparently stand ready to tell five-year-olds that they might have been born in the wrong body, socially transition them behind their parents’ backs, and steer them toward experimental hormonal interventions.

Public polling suggests that NYSED’s policies on gender are massively unpopular. About 70 percent of registered voters oppose teaching students in elementary school about sexual orientation and gender identity, and 75 percent say that schools should be required to get parental consent before facilitating a gender transition.

But when it comes to public education, the will of parents matters far less than the whim of activist-captured bureaucrats. These widely unpopular “best practices” have been sent out to schools as a “legal update”—and school district administrators and principals will not unreasonably assume that the recommendations are required for legal compliance.

If parents don’t want this indoctrination going on in New York public schools, they must get organized and petition their local school boards. But they face two stiff headwinds. First, activist groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center have labeled positions on these issues held by the vast majority of the public as “hate,” so anyone openly advocating for them runs the risk of cancellation. Second, since school board members are voted for in off-cycle elections with extremely low turnout, they may feel little need to pay attention to parents’ preferences.

Still, if parents don’t push back, no one will.


Schools are scaring our kids to death with this indoctrination program

As nearly every standardized test is showing, our schools are doing an abysmal job teaching kids how to read or do math. In some cases, kids graduating from high school can barely read their diplomas.

But the schools are wildly succeeding with their climate change indoctrination program.

When I speak to kids on high school and college campuses and ask what the greatest threat is to their generation, the answer isn't China's aggression. It isn't a drug abuse problem that is becoming the leading killer of our children. It isn't the failed schools or the corrupt government or the more routine violations of freedom of speech. It isn't the $32 trillion national debt soon headed to $50 trillion. (I always remind the kids, I won't be paying for this Mount Everest-sized debt burden. YOU will.)

No, they almost all raise their hands and moan that they are most worried about global warming or "climate change." We are raising a generation with millions of Greta Thunbergs.

A Daily Telegraph poll found that more than half of teenagers surveyed believe that the world "may end in their lifetime" because of climate change. No one has ever told them that the climate has been changing for as long as the planet has existed.

They've apparently never heard of the ice ages. The Earth has gone through centuries of warming – and that was before air conditioning, which the climate czars want to take away from us to combat warming. Figure that one out.

I'm not here to argue about "the science" of global warming. What I do know is it's only "settled science" because anyone who dares question the "experts" is written off as crazy or a quack.

Meanwhile, the people who warned us about "the population bomb," nuclear winter, mass starvation, running out of energy, global cooling and a future so polluted that everyone would have to wear gas masks in cities, are telling us to just trust them as they are busy at work erecting a multitrillion-dollar climate change industrial complex that revolves around our planetary savior – the windmill.

But scaring the bejesus out of our kids to score political points is a reprehensible practice. Our school kids are being terrorized with misinformation. This, in turn, is leading to all sorts of maladies, including a rise in teen depression, suicide, lower productivity and drug addiction.

Worst of all, we are seeing the opposite of a population bomb. We are experiencing one of the most severe birth dearths in American history. The birth rate is plummeting and no surprise. Who wants to bring kids into a world that will be uninhabitable in 50 years?

Psychologists are attributing these dysfunctions to a new syndrome called "eco-anxiety." It's a fear that Mother Earth is going to punish us in a brutal way – and very soon.

The irony of all this is that today's children and teens are inheriting a living standard, a cleaner planet, and a level of goods and services and technologies and medical care that is far superior to anything anyone in history – even the richest kings and queens – had access to even 100 years ago.

Biden's green movement isn't about better energy, it restricts what works: Alex EpsteinVideo
If kids think climate change is worrisome, they should try dealing with the bubonic plague, which killed one-third of Europe's population, or polio or tuberculosis – or fending off barbarians or working 60 hours a week in a coal mine.

If my parents were part of the "greatest generation," living through two world wars and a Great Depression, then this must be the psychotic generation. Are they to blame? No, we – their parents – are.

We are the ones who have passively sat by as the Left turned our kids into neurotic Green New Dealers. Death to the machine. Turn the lights out. No more cars. No more flush toilets or washing machines. What's next to save the planet? Euthanasia?

That's what happens when you teach your children that they aren't inheriting the Earth, but a fiery hell.


Utah school district puts Bible back on bookshelves after pushback: 'Significant, serious value'

Colton Lindsay, a Utah parent, said he opposes his daughter's school district removing the Bible from elementary and middle schools for "vulgarity or violence"

A school district in northern Utah on Tuesday reversed its prior decision to remove The Holy Bible from its middle and elementary schools.

The Davis School District determined the texts were appropriate for students and will now be available in all district libraries, district officials said at a board meeting on Tuesday. The reversal comes after 70 community members appealed last month's decision to ban the Bible over claims it was not age-appropriate.

School board members voted unanimously to return the Bible to district libraries.

The district, located north of Salt Lake City, received a request in December for the Bible to be reviewed in response to the state's "sensitive materials" law passed last year allowing residents to challenge books found in schools and libraries that they believe are inappropriate. The request argued that the Bible is "one of the most sex-ridden books around."

Utah Parents United, one of the primary groups involved in curriculum battles, "left off one of the most sex-ridden books around: The Bible," the challenge read, referring to parents' efforts to remove books about sex, gender and critical race theory.

"You'll no doubt find that the Bible … has no serious values for minors because it's pornographic by our new definition … If the books that have been banned so far are any indication for way lesser offenses, this should be a slam dunk," it continued.

The challenge also criticized a "bad faith process" and said the district was "ceding our children’s education, First Amendment Rights, and library access" to Utah Parents United.

A review committee – made up of mostly parents – determined the Bible was not age-appropriate for middle or elementary school students. Appeals were filed shortly after the decision.

On Tuesday, the school board said an appeal committee, basing their assessment on community standards, determined the Bible has "significant, serious value for minors which outweighs the violent or vulgar content it contains."

"The magnitude of the value of the Bible as a literary work outweighs any violence or profanity which may be contained in the book," District Board Vice President Brigit Gerrard said at Tuesday's meeting.




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