Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Anti-Semitic mobs thrive on old campus hatreds

There is much truth in what Greg Sheridan says below. Where he goes wrong is his attribution of problems to "our society". It is nothing of the sort. "Society" is not uniform or homogeneous. The Left is seriously sick with hatred of everything normal but that does not mean everybody else is.

The Left will eventually mismanage its way out of power, perhaps at the hands of Donald Trump, and the pendulum will swing back, erasing the worst atrocities of Leftism

From Marx onward, the Left have always hated success in others and Israel is a shining example of success -- so hatred of it has long been festering on the left waiting only for even a slight excuse to burst into the open.

The absurdity that the Islamic extremists of Gaza represent "Palestine" has become excuse enough for Leftist hate to burst out. Most Palestinians live at peace with Israel -- in Jordan, in the West Bank and in Israel itself

The widespread intellectual and moral corruption of our universities is one of the most alarming signs of deep sickness in our society.

The universities contribute institutionally to the current madness in several ways. Their leaders are institutionally cowardly. These institutions will throw you on to the street for contesting elements of climate change alarmism, send you on a re-education course if you use the wrong pronoun for someone, get you into mighty trouble if you express the view that a racially segregated study space is not the best way to fight racism.

They will offer students trigger warnings lest they be upset by the prose of Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird or even Jane Austen.

But shouting demonstrators harassing Jewish students; screaming for intifada that has meant murderous campaigns against Jewish people, not only in Israel; declaring that Israel is a terror state; calling for Palestine to be free “from the river to the sea”, which can only mean the destruction of the Jewish state; even staff and students supporting Hamas itself, an outfit proscribed as a terrorist organisation under Australian law – that’s all fine because these lions of campus administration have suddenly discovered that, when faced with a violent enemy, they believe in free speech after all.

The great anti-communist academic Frank Knopfelmacher, a collection of whose writings has just been published, once told me the collective noun for vice-chancellors was “a lack of principles”.

In the US, college administrators have been shamed into requesting police action to end pro-Palestinian encampments with their blatantly anti-Semitic overtones. This may have something to do with how badly these demonstrations are affecting Joe Biden politically and contributing to the possibility of Donald Trump winning the presidency in November. Biden changes his positions entirely according to political convenience. He and Kamala Harris gave a degree of support to the defund the police movement and demonstrations in 2020. They were able to portray much of the civic violence of that period as chaos caused by Trump.

But, combined with his failure on illegal immigration, Biden will suffer tremendously if this campus disorder continues. Middle America hates it. At the same time the hard left, and especially the profoundly ill-educated young people who wouldn’t know which river and which sea they were chanting about but love the idea and romance of faux social revolution, can’t bear Biden’s qualified support for Israel nor his qualified support for law and order.

On this occasion Biden could lose support on both his left and right.

But universities have contributed to this crisis in a much more direct and profound way. And that is through allowing, over decades now, many of their humanities courses to be invaded by critical theory, neo-Marxism and toxic identity politics.

For a long time, Western universities, including Australian universities, have been teaching that our societies are essentially and uniquely evil, that we are colonial, racist, sexist etc.

I was an undergraduate at Sydney University in the mid-1970s and came to the considered conclusion that the courses I was taking were junk. In a human geography class a lecturer informed us that the shining example of “praxis” was China’s Chairman Mao. Even then I knew that Mao Zedong was directly responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of innocent Chinese. How could he be lauded by this lecturer?

In economics, I got to choose between political economy and mainstream economics. Political economy was dominated by pretty crude Marxism. I took classes there because they required no work. As long as in essays you proclaimed how unjust society was, you’d get at least a credit. It was easy but a complete waste of time. Mainstream economics had taken refuge from Marxism in almost pure mathematics. That’s not as objectionable as Marxism but it doesn’t describe reality very well either.

The only possible use of such a university education was to get a credential. Educationally, intellectually, morally, it was utterly worthless.

Many, perhaps most, university humanities and social sciences subjects have been captured by critical theory. Critical theory reduces everything to a shoddy analysis of power structures. It has destroyed much of the joy of studying literature. A friend, a little younger than me, told me he switched from literature, his first love, to philosophy. In literature it didn’t matter whether he was studying Austen or a restaurant menu, it was the same old fifth-rate power analysis, analysis of the allegedly hidden power structure behind the text.

Universities in many cases have thus abandoned the substance and truth of the subjects they allegedly teach. Critical theory is frequently festooned with Marxoid scripturalism and endless self-referential footnoting. But it’s not a complicated intellectual discipline. Really it’s a simplistic conspiracy theory that absolves universities from the hard but rewarding work of exploring human culture in all its richness.

Instead, like all conspiracy theories, it reduces human experience to a simple formula that assigns heroes and villains, in this case on an identity politics basis.

Our moral outrage students and academics are aquiver with hatred of the world’s only Jewish state. Their universities take money from Arab states that outlaw gay relationships, host Confucius Institutes financed by a government that tolerates no dissent at all. But in critical theory, Chinese and Arabs aren’t villains.

Critical theory, this monstrous engine of hatred, is profoundly anti-intellectual, which is perhaps why it thrives at contemporary Western universities, including ours.


Trigger warnings, mental health issues, transgender rights and knee-jerk cancel culture: Welcome to life on university campus in modern Britain

An anonymous academic has lifted the lid on what life is like on university campus in modern Britain, with trigger warnings rife, knee-jerk cancel culture, and lecturers dishing out inflated grades with it impossible for students to fail their course.

Although most students are well-behaved and more interested in eating healthily than 'getting smashed', there is an 'epidemic of mental illness' spreading throughout, The Secret Lecturer reveals in a new book.

Financing issues are causing standards to be 'obliterated' while universities are striking murky million pound deals with 'arms dealers, fossil fuel companies and foreign dictatorships'.

Some lecturers are taking books and films that represent slavery, sexual assault and suicide off the syllabus out of fear they might upset some hypersensitive students.

'But a representation of something terrible is not a moral validation of it — quite the contrary,' they say.

'We're back to that dilemma of needing to protect the welfare of students but also requiring them to recognise that the world is nasty, unfair and violent — and that a good deal of great art reflects that.'

The advances in AI mean and the arrival of Elon Musk's ChatGPT mean plagiarism is virtually 'untraceable', reported The Times.

Even when students are caught out they break down in tears and blame mental distress for cheating, with their punishment being allowed to resubmit their work in the summer.

'Nobody is allowed to fail,' they say as students are now seen as 'customers we can't afford to upset'.

The anonymous author suggests some colleagues are 'bribing' students into giving them positive feedback by handing out over-generous marks.

One colleague is described as 'unapologetic grade-inflater, awarding firsts to submissions that are as coherent as Shane MacGowan after a four-day bender'.

They write about in one course where 67 per cent of students were given first class degrees: 'No way are two thirds of them that smart. I read in our staff bulletin that the same course has been named best of its kind in the country, based on the votes of those same students — any chance whatsoever that grade inflation is a wheeze to ensure that students like us lecturers enough to give us positive feedback?

'Decisions to close departments have been based on such feedback — I dread to think how many lecturers have been fired because they were too honest to bribe students with over-generous marks.'

They bemoan the culture within campuses with 'jaded' lecturers 'underpaid, overworked and on casual contracts'.

On academic standards, they write they 'are slowly being obliterated, though that has more to do with financing than with a slide into "wokery"'.

For two seminars in a row no students turned up with mental health problems leaving some walking around like 'lost souls'.

In terms of transgender rights, students will change their minds based on who they are with 'for if the company they are in at any one time doesn't like their principles, they'll change theirs. Rather than leading thought, they genuflect to the prevailing intellectual and ideological winds'.

They say endless meetings are draining with 'the further up the university hierarchy you look, the thicker people get'.

'It's like a parody of Darwinian selection - survival of the dimmest,' they add.


‘Federal Overreach’: Lawsuit Aims to Stop Biden’s Title IX Rule Change

After the Biden administration released its new Title IX rule on April 19, it took less than two weeks for the Defense of Freedom Institute to file a lawsuit against it.

“We are asking the court to … basically stop the effect of the regulations for a variety of legal reasons,” says Robert Eitel, the institute’s co-founder and president. That’s because the rule change is “simply unlawful,” he explained.

Among the changes to Title IX, the Biden administration is attempting to redefine sex to include gender identity and sexual orientation. Title IX is an education amendment that was signed into law by President Richard Nixon in 1972 and requires there be equal opportunities for men and women in schools across the country.

Eitel says the Biden administration’s attempt to redefine sex in Title IX is “federal overreach.”

The states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, and Idaho filed the suit with the Washington-based Defense of Freedom Institute, a conservative nonprofit dedicated to providing policy and legal solutions within the spheres of education and the workforce.

Eitel joins “The Daily Signal Podcast” to discuss the lawsuit against the Biden administration’s new Title IX rule. He also explains what should be done about the ever-growing issue of student loan debt, and why President Joe Biden can’t legally issue mass student loan forgiveness.


My other blogs: Main ones below

http://dissectleft.blogspot.com (DISSECTING LEFTISM)

http://antigreen.blogspot.com (GREENIE WATCH)

http://pcwatch.blogspot.com (POLITICAL CORRECTNESS WATCH)

http://australian-politics.blogspot.com/ (AUSTRALIAN POLITICS)

http://snorphty.blogspot.com/ (TONGUE-TIED)

http://jonjayray.com/blogall.html More blogs


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